
now houses all employees rather than their previous four-floor structure
Office Renovation
01 Challenge
With their St. Louis office spanning four floors and employees spread unevenly with minimal room for collaboration, Aetna turned to BHDP to consolidate this location and transform their office environment into a more energetic and inviting environment.
02 Solution
The final design brought all employees to one floor where a new community hub and visitor area encourages them to gather freely. The addition of wood elements, warmer finishes, and specialty lighting have transformed the environment into a vibrant community.
Quick Facts
Location St. Louis, MO
Completion Date 2018
Size 40,000 SF
03 Results
As a result of the transformed workspace, employees are experiencing greater interaction and collaboration. Post-occupancy surveys report a better sense of community, feelings of inclusion and being valued, along with increased satisfaction in the shared spaces. Buoyed by this success, BHDP was enlisted to complete additional work for Aetna—including designing a similar community hub and visitor area for an office in California.