
The nickname given to the park by city leaders
Towne Square Renovation
01 Challenge
Faced with an outdated, disjointed, and underutilized public space in the heart of their community, the City of Blue Ash envisions a complete overhaul and redesign of their Towne Square. Energized by the opportunity to redefine the functionality and purpose of the park, the project focuses on creating an exciting, amenity-rich experience for daily users and the community.
02 Solution
Located in the city’s central business district, the reinvented park will drive energy and excitement into the historic heart of Blue Ash. Designed to minimize topographical challenges and provide accessibility to all, the park will be anchored by a large, gently sloping Civic Lawn, providing green space for recreation and community gathering.
Quick Facts
Location Blue Ash, OH
Estimated Completion Date 2025
Size 3 Acres
03 Results
Once completed, the Towne Square will again be on full display with a highly visible, engaging new design. With the resulting influx of activity and usage, surrounding businesses will become more valuable due to their location, and new buyers and investors will look to plant themselves in the heart of Blue Ash. Neighbors, residents, and visitors alike now have a local destination to gather and celebrate for years to come.

Honoring the Memorial
Prior to the renovation, Blue Ash's existing veterans' memorial was uninviting and awkwardly placed within the Towne Square. To honor the memorial and welcome visitors, BHDP designed the Bicentennial Veteran's Memorial walkthrough to serve as an entrance to the park and guide people to other spaces. The walkway features a history timeline where young and old can come together to remember and honor past sacrifices.

Together Through Pets
Located in the southeast corner of the park, BHDP added an urban-style dog park, bringing neighbors and friends together through their pets. With a lack of surrounding green space locally, the goal of this park is to provide people with an area to bring their pets at any hour and embrace the meaning of a 365-day park.

A Central Hub
The Grove serves as a unique “hub” and gathering area that links many of the program elements of the space. The stylized pavement guides users from the open spaces, water features, and the Ceremonial Promenade—a full-length path connecting retailers and restaurants to the park—to the Civic Lawn for events and play.