
Forcepoint logo

downsized to one main hub filled with energy and connection

Office Renovation

01 Challenge

After employees worked remotely for a time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Forcepoint, an industry-leading, human-centric cybersecurity company headquartered in Austin, TX, discovered that a hybrid work model was not only efficient for their workforce but also attractive for potential new hires. With more employees working from home, Forcepoint enlisted BHDP to downsize their old office into one central hub that provides flexibility and excitement for current and potential employees. 

02 Solution

BHDP designed a collaborative space that incorporates elements of Austin's vibrant culture. In the remodel, we included multiple nooks with whiteboards and state-of-the-art technology, a spacious common area, and an adjacent café. A custom plant feature hanging in the kitchen, locally sourced ceramic tile, and acoustic trellis beams replicate Austin's quirky energy. At the same time, the incorporation of green walls and planters celebrates the vibrant outdoor lifestyle the city is known for. 

Quick Facts

Location Austin, TX

Completion Date 2022

Size 50,000 SF