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increase in patron traffic in the fall semester post-renovation.

Archbishop Alter Library Renovation

01 Challenge

Since its construction in 1962, Archbishop Alter Library had seen little modification to keep pace with the evolving role of libraries, changing student needs, and advancements in technology and information access. Consequently, the once-bustling academic hub experienced a steady decline in patron attendance, a trend exacerbated by the pandemic. In 2021, BHDP led a campus master plan, identifying investment in the library as a top priority due to its crucial role in enhancing the student academic experience on campus.

02 Solution

BHDP's design for the library includes a more contemporary and inviting entrance, a centrally located information bar, and an array of student spaces such as a self-serve kiosk, 24/7 study spaces, group study rooms, contemplative nooks, and silent study space—all organized around a “town square” concept. Reference librarians are also easily accessible to assist students with their research needs. 


Quick Facts

Location Cincinnati, OH

Completion Date 2023

Size 15,147 SF