
facility includes "relief areas" where patients and parents can escape to indoor cafés or outdoor gardens
Liberty Campus Medical Center
01 Challenge
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) is one of the top five pediatric hospitals in the U.S. When looking to expand their regional footprint, CCHMC hired BHDP to apply combined strengths in retail and workplace design to create a facility that enlivens their suburban community, establishes a closer location to their patients, and integrates their brand into the building's architecture.
02 Solution
BHDP created a master plan for site in Liberty Township near Hamilton, OH, placing the building alongside I-75 to capture attention from the highway traffic. The plan for the 65-acre site combined the newest trends in hospitality and retail with corporate campus planning concepts to deliver a one-of-a-kind facility.
Quick Facts
Size 240,000 SF
Completion Date 2008
Location Liberty Township, OH
03 Results
The campus has become an anchor for the community and a hub of activity that supports this 24/7 operation. The outpatient medical facility includes a 24-hour pediatric emergency department and a comprehensive array of outpatient services. BHDP’s expertise in retail design and the power of collaboration has had a positive impact on changing the way Children’s Hospital employees work and research—bringing the world of joy to healthier kids.