
in Disney Springs shopping, entertainment, and dining complex
01 Challenge
Columbia Sportswear—a Portland, Oregon-based retailer known for quality apparel, footwear, and equipment designed for outdoor and fishing enthusiasts—was looking to enhance their traditional brick-and-mortar experience and create a unique one-of-a-kind moment for Disney Springs guests. The store is located in the Town Center “neighborhood” of Disney Springs inside a space that resembles Florida’s waterfront towns at the turn of the century.
02 Solution
As shoppers approach the store, there is something familiar and welcoming, with a facade that’s open, airy, and transparent. Once in the store, a suspended metal fish sculpture leads shoppers through the store, culminating in a tornadic school of fish above the cash wrap and fitting rooms. The journey around the perimeter was designed as a series of discoveries of products, services, and destinations all brought to users by the true authority: Columbia Sportswear.
Quick Facts
Size 5,000 SF
Completion Date 2016
Location Disney Springs
Number of Fish in the Sculpture 500
03 Results
Strong yet subtle, linear yet curvaceous, chromatic yet neutral—the design is a study of balance and proportion, with an airy quality. The 5,000-SF space, with a modern attitude, still evokes a warmth, sensibility, and aesthetic that only a day outdoors can deliver, leveraged
through abstractions of natural elements of land, sea, and air. Distinctive category zones highlight customers’ passions for engaging in life—educating and inspiring that is ultimately transformative to the spirit.