
from construction was recycled instead of placing it in a landfill
York Supplier Center
01 Challenge
As part of Toyota's "One Toyota" operational restructuring, and to promote future product development, Toyota needed to expand their Technical Center in Michigan to accommodate the relocation of 250 direct procurement and supplier engineering development positions from Erlanger to its campus in York Township.
02 Solution
Toyota desired an environment that prioritizes sustainability, promotes collaboration, embraces diversity, and builds a sense of excitement and
accomplishment for team members. The three-story addition includes open office spaces on the upper floors with additional seating for traveling employees on the first floor as well as a multi-use, high-bay conferencing space.
Quick Facts
Location York, MI
Size 140,000 SF
Sustainability Version 4 LEED Platinum
03 Results
The three-story addition is Version 4 LEED Platinum certified. Earning this certification required a collaborative team effort involving BHDP’s engineering team members along with several specialty consultants who provided the capabilities to design the gray water and the geothermal and photovoltaic systems to accomplish the renewable resources for this building.
The design team also co-created a sustainable concrete mix with the concrete supplier. The carefully designed mix was later calibrated with a Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment model in order to replace sufficient quantities of cement to show a reduction in environmental metrics such as greenhouse gases, global warming, ozone depletion, and acidification among other quantities. This work allowed the project to qualify for a Material and Resources credit through the USGBC LEED program. The extended team, including all the project contractors, recycled 92% of the construction waste, preventing it from being placed in a Michigan landfill.
Awards and Certifications