Topping-Out Ceremony Marks Key Milestone in Revitalization of UC's Old Chem Building

A beam with BHDP's logo surrounded by signatures

On Friday, August 30, BHDP, alongside project partners and university representatives, celebrated a major milestone in the revitalization of the University of Cincinnati’s historic Old Chem building with a topping-out ceremony. This event signified the completion of the structural framework for the new 155,000-SF addition, a crucial phase in the transformation of this landmark.

The new addition will house cutting-edge research and teaching labs for chemistry and engineering, enhancing the university’s capabilities in these fields.

As the Architect of Record for this project, BHDP has overseen the integration of the building's historic charm with contemporary amenities. The renovation will also introduce modern faculty and departmental offices, designed to enhance collaboration among staff. A light-filled atrium will create a welcoming study environment for students, fostering both individual and group work. Additional updates include advanced biology and chemistry teaching labs, general-purpose classrooms, and new student study areas.

Photo credit: Messer Construction

Photo Credit: Skanska

Alejandro J. Medina, Senior Architect at BHDP, shared his enthusiasm about the project: “We are thrilled to contribute to the evolution of the Old Chem building. This project preserves much of its original architecture while introducing modern facilities that will enhance both research and student engagement.”

The revitalized Old Chem building will stand as a cornerstone of the University of Cincinnati's main campus, blending its rich history with contemporary advancements in education and research.

See additional news coverage on UC News

Written by

Kaitlyn Dwenger

Kaitlyn Dwenger, Marketing and Communications Specialist

Kaitlyn Dwenger is a member of the marketing team at BHDP. As a Marketing and Communications Specialist, she captures the stories happening inside and outside the firm through internal communications, public relations, and social media.

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